romanticisms of the world
I have been active in the 19th-century studies quite a lot, and in quite a natural, instinctive way, as it simply forms the background of whatever the European literatures are today. On the other hand, 19th century is of course crucial for more than just Europe, since it is the epoch in which modernity takes shape also for the rest of the world, with colonial empires, transcolonial movements, and various revivals all over the world.
My major achievements in this area are connected with the Portuguese & Lusophone world, especially the 19th-century literature of Brazil, which is quite an extensive topic I spoke about in the volume Historia literatur iberoamerykańskich. I also authored a history of Portuguese literature starting in the 19th century (Mgławica Pessoa). But I also wrote about French literature, with such classics as Verlaine, Flaubert, Zola, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, and others.
19th century is also a great time of travel writing, and this aspect interested me quite in particular. As a participant of a major research project, I studied a travelogue of the Polish romantic Juliusz Słowacki from his journey to the Orient, containing sketches of landscape and poems, the latter quite closely related to the former. This is why I believe the field is far from being exhausted. There is 19th-century World Literature, with the World written with a capital W that awaits me.
My major achievements in this area are connected with the Portuguese & Lusophone world, especially the 19th-century literature of Brazil, which is quite an extensive topic I spoke about in the volume Historia literatur iberoamerykańskich. I also authored a history of Portuguese literature starting in the 19th century (Mgławica Pessoa). But I also wrote about French literature, with such classics as Verlaine, Flaubert, Zola, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, and others.
19th century is also a great time of travel writing, and this aspect interested me quite in particular. As a participant of a major research project, I studied a travelogue of the Polish romantic Juliusz Słowacki from his journey to the Orient, containing sketches of landscape and poems, the latter quite closely related to the former. This is why I believe the field is far from being exhausted. There is 19th-century World Literature, with the World written with a capital W that awaits me.
selected essays in 19th-century literature & culture
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“Une traduction qui fait un manifeste. Art poétique de Verlaine et Sztuka poetycka de Miriam” [“A translation that makes a manifesto. Art poétique by Verlaine et Sztuka poetycka by Miriam”], Romanica Silesiana, no 12/2017, p. 270-277. ISSN 1898-2433 (print); 2353-9887 (electronic).
The Polish translation of Verlaine's Art poétique marks an important step in the process of acquisition of the symbolism as a new paradigm of poetic creation. The analysis presented in this paper puts in the limelight the problem of positioning the translated text in the receptive literary system. The analytic proposal implies the employment of the term “embeddedness” originally introduced by the historian Karl Polanyi to render the implication of the non-economic factors in the process of production. Analogically, the production of the literary texts is conditioned by factors situated at the frontier of literature. Those wishing to adopt a foreign aesthetics must vanquish the resistance of the local, traditionalist context. As the result, the translation is “embedded” as a manifesto, even if Verlaine's Art poétique is a parody of the genre and an expression of the poet's creative doubts rather than a truly prescriptive text. The auto-parodic dimension of the original poem disappears in the Polish translation by Miriam that becomes a rigorous ars poetica. "L'amour non-humain de « l'andréide » au metadesign. En lisant L'Ève future de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam dans une perspective actuelle" ["Non-human love from andréide to metadesign. Reading Tomorrow's Eve by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam in a contemporary perspective"], Savoirs et fiction dans les littératures romanes, Barbara Marczuk, Joanna Gorecka-Kalita, Agnieszka Kocik (éd.), Kraków, Collegium Columbinum, 2014, p. 235-245. ISSN 1895-6076, ISBN 978-83-7624-128-9
[in progress:] “Éros en blancheur. La femme, l'exposition et le regard entre l'Olympia et Au Bonheur des Dames”
Une blancheur éclatante, lumineuse, nuptiale, gynocentrique. Une blancheur réinventée, dont la valeur traditionnelle de la pureté virginale s'efface pour donner lieu à l'érotisme. L'exploration transmodale entre l'art et la littérature a donné deux chefs-d’œuvre : Olympia et Au Bonheur des Dames avec son apothéose finale – l'exposition des articles blancs, la célébration d'une féminité triomphante et en même temps une transposition commerciale de l'essor visuel de la nouvelle peinture. Entre l’œuvre du peintre et celui de l'écrivain, il y a donc un point d'intersection : leur fascination pour la blancheur.
Une blancheur éclatante, lumineuse, nuptiale, gynocentrique. Une blancheur réinventée, dont la valeur traditionnelle de la pureté virginale s'efface pour donner lieu à l'érotisme. L'exploration transmodale entre l'art et la littérature a donné deux chefs-d’œuvre : Olympia et Au Bonheur des Dames avec son apothéose finale – l'exposition des articles blancs, la célébration d'une féminité triomphante et en même temps une transposition commerciale de l'essor visuel de la nouvelle peinture. Entre l’œuvre du peintre et celui de l'écrivain, il y a donc un point d'intersection : leur fascination pour la blancheur.