what is the literature of Benin?
Evidently, the basic stock of literary creativity in Benin is its oral tradition, including myths, legends, and tales. Yet there is also a written, essentially Francophone literature of Benin. One of its inaugural texts was L'esclave, by Félix Couchoro (1926), predating the vogue of the poetry of négritude, often considered as the literary awakening of Africa. Paul Hazoumé's novel Doguicimi is often cited as one of the first modern Beninese novels, while Bhêly-Quénum's Snares without End and Cagnati's La saison de l'ombre are also noteworthy works. Other notable Beninese authors are Florent Couao-Zotti, whose works include Le mouton noir et autres fables and Zémidjan: une enquête de Nestor Burma, and José Pliya, who has written plays such as La nuit des assassins and Cercles de craie.
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