what is Burkinabé literature?
Yes, the adjective to say "of Burkina Faso" is Burkinabé. At least for the post-colonial period, the question of Burkinabé literature is relatively simple - it may be seen as one of those French-speaking young literatures of Africa, starting in the 1960s, with such writers as Nazi Boni. Whatever is contemporary, printed and written in French is easy to access and to comment on. Nonetheless, the true question of the country's peculiarity is hidden beneath, in the orality, in the world of griots and the traditions of ethnic groups such as Mossi, jealous keepers of their own history, object of a careful, although oral, transmission. Important elaboration of these tradition has been given by Titinga Frédéric Pacéré, author of such books as La poésie des griots (1983) and Le langage des tam-tams et des masques en Afrique (1992).
As already mentioned, the typical example Burkinabe early postcolonial literature is so called ethnographic novel, such as Crépuscule des temps anciens de Nazi Boni (1962). There also exists a tradition of theatre and a proliferation of playwrights, such as Moussa Savadogo.
As already mentioned, the typical example Burkinabe early postcolonial literature is so called ethnographic novel, such as Crépuscule des temps anciens de Nazi Boni (1962). There also exists a tradition of theatre and a proliferation of playwrights, such as Moussa Savadogo.
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