Vou arrumando os meus papéis... is a famous sentence Fernando Pessoa used and repeated in various letters to his friends. It seems I am in the same state of the mind, even if it's not the same situation after all. I'm making order in my papers thinking about my full professorship, and closing a chapter. The great dilemma concerns the Portuguese studies, area I once decided to abandon. Yet plenty of materials remained with me, filling the shelves and the drawers. I could never resign myself to simply throw it away. So finally I saw the only way of getting rid of this troublesome burden is to finish it up by the natural way, publishing it. So I decided to spend this last summer on the Portuguese stuff, even if it means a delay in my transcultural studies. Perhaps when I read deep into my papers, I can convert them somehow to my cause, arriving at something useful that shall redeem, so to speak, my Portuguese competence and the years spent on it.
But the Portuguese period is only the beginning. There is more things, my drawers are overcrowded. I just try to start from the bottom, hoping that soon I may arrive at other layers, and other, more important, intellectually relevant proceedings.
Alan Pereira
16/12/2015 07:33:50 pm
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