The autumn brought me love: a love that is ephemeral, gratuitous, generous, tender, totally asocial, without a future. Et pourtant c'est une aventure tellement parisienne d'avoir tombé amoureuse d'un Arabe de la banlieue... In this silence and solitude of the Great Pandemic, he brought me red roses, those dark red roses of passion, and two bottles of Burgundy wine.
Most probably, I will continue married to my husband, who was my ephemeral, gratuitous, generous, tender, totally asocial love without a future 15 years ago. Most probably, I will vaguely continue my serendipitous search of a social love, a normal life, a home in France that I see as such an impossible venture. Most probably, I will continue as a solitaire woman. Most probably, I will timidly dream about that spiritual love at the heights of the religion of God. That intense and burning love of the Islamic paradise. What can I do? Nothing, just fall on my knees and pray. Comments are closed.
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September 2022