The day when the Polexit was to be voted, I spent a lot of time reading whatever I found as a source of information from the old country. But it was not about our fate that I knew nothing.
I knew nothing about love, relationship, and crucially, I knew nothing about being a woman. On I found a curious material: "What does your partner forbids you to do?" That was curious. You think that, after 15 years of marriage, I must know a lot on the topic? By Jove, I was like an innocent child till I opened the Onet. Some, as I discovered, forbid using tampons during the period, "because my masculinity is the sole object that may penetrate you". Wallah, we don't have this quality of ideas in Saudi Arabia. But of course, the best is the national debate on female virtues (the famous formula "ugruntowanie dziewcząt do cnót niewieścich") that are to be taught at national schools from the coming month of September on. The sheer style, linguistically speaking, in which those maxims are expressed cuts my breath. I have laughed a lot today, but properly speaking, that's not funny. अर्थ, ἀρετή, they get lost in the maze of archaic style, classical allusions, pagan and biblical wisdom. Poor people... It is so sad to see them discussing virtue as they drift away, spitting lies like frantic prairie dogs, lying away the ground beneath their own feet... Ugruntowanie dziewcząt do cnót niewieścich!... I suppose the expression is translatable; it may sound so strange precisely because it is a literal translation - probably from Church Latin. I try to imagine the original sentence... virtus feminarum exerceant... crescant de virtute in virtutem... Disce, puer, virtutem ex me, verumque laborem... no, it's not that. Nothing comes to my mind. Oh yes, I found, it's 1 Timothy 2:9-15, here is the virtus feminarum: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. / I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; / she must be quiet." The meaning of the original passage is even more strident than any of the hypothesis made by our feminists. It is a strict prohibition of teaching or assuming authority; the prohibition that, long before it came to Poland, would be translated by the murder of Hypatia. A direct prohibition of such careers as my own. I can imagine very easily how attractive is the idea for many Polish men, indeed for most. To remove women from their professional paths, in universities, in corporations - in fact, anywhere where they get into the way. Be that as it may, it is a great void, a broken chain of cultural transmission, a jump into an abyss, like stepping onto a bridge that collapsed centuries ago. A great, self-inflicted catastrophe of a nation. Like lemmings, my God, just like lemmings... Comments are closed.
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September 2022