I saw the Jurassic Park last night. I need to imagine the Poles eaten by a dinosaur, I said to myself. I have been following all the developments on "Gazeta Wyborcza", and I start to ask: how far I can go like this. It is clear they can go like this for quite a long time. Everything revolves around an old man and his absurd game. In himself, he is powerless; he is not even a prime minister like Orbán. He is just the revolving centre of the void, and all the other men and women around him dance to the music he plays like some ghostly fiddler just because they are unable to construe a different life. The society sinks into darkness, the disruption of all the rules, of all institutional order, of all economic activities, of everything that might imply a future. A generalised obliteration of the future tense. It is not even the fear of what might happen, it is a generalised inability of imagining that anything whatsoever might happen. It is a total suspension of History.
Meanwhile, the pandemic is not as worrying as it might be, not like in the darkest scenario we might have imagined. All across the western Europe, it is a relatively safe plateau state; people are getting sick and eventually die, but at a stable pace. The future of humanity is not in danger. According to my private persuasions concerning this emergency, we are entering now the fourth and last week of the pandemic in western Europe. I mean, of its locally disruptive stage, for the virus will live on his borrowed life in other places, before, as I still believe, it disappears completely; for it is a little clumsy virus, able to bring down old organisms that lived for decades in benign environments, in warmth and comfort, forgetting the sheer existence of most pathogens. But it clearly lacks the potential to bring down massively the global South; such a task requires greater, more sophisticated, better adapted genetic codes. Southern doctors will say, thanks God it's only covid, not malaria. Any day now, the care of reestablishing the fluxes will prevail, as well as the thought of winning the stakes of the crisis. For every crisis is an opportunity, it creates voids that have to be occupied. The totalitarian takeovers of Middle Europe are just the most primitive form of using the opportunity. And I ponder intensely on my own strategy. What do I expect to win? What improvements the pandemic will bring to me? Make me free from that unsupportable burden of my old country? Cut my anchors? Help me to settle? To redesign my priorities? To reschedule my future? Comments are closed.
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September 2022