I'm thinking about the experimental seminar for the next year - something to complete the cycle of my own research and to attract people to my class. I hesitate between two ideas. The first one is the notion of "critical nomadism" I've found in the new edition of Guattari. Some recent Polish materials, such as Dzień na ziemi, a book by Michał Paweł Markowski, might be material for such a reflection. Yet I'm a bit reluctant, because Markowski's book, as close as it might come to my idea (migrant, unattached subject fluctuating in the world, seeking no community and no inclusion), becomes in some moment very flat indeed. Of course, other bibliographical references might be found instead; Agata Bielik-Robsons Na pustyni would be a must once again.
On the other hand, I wonder if its a good strategy to build on such an idiomatic concept. Perhaps something more general should be given as a starting point. Something cross-sectional. And indeed there is a cross-sectional concept I might be interested in: the eroticism. To avoid misunderstandings, as far as possible, the seminar might be called "Eroticism: a notion in cultural theory and criticism". Perhaps that would do. And as innovative content of the seminar, I might build up something like a new, evidently post-Freudian conceptualization of the term. Yet once again, there is a gap between this idiomatic conceptualization of mine and all the obvious materials people might feel like bringing in... Well, I've built up a syllabus putting some classical works in the limelight. Starting with Denis de Rougemont seems safe enough. But this is not the only reason why I privilege older (or very old) humanities against the recent developments (perhaps making an exception for Agamben, but also in this case I go back to his earliest publications). It seems very clear to me that I step into a field that has been abandoned for a while. As I've promised on more than one occasion, I go against the predominance of politically oriented humanities, I long for humanities exploring the private, the individual, the intimate worlds of man. The sketch of the problematic field is already on its own separate page: http://www.ewa-lukaszyk.com/eroticism.html Comments are closed.
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September 2022